Jenee Cosmetics and Holistics

Balm of Gilead oil


Balm of Gilead oil


The ancient biblical Balm of Gilead conjure condition oil very much known in Hoodoo work.
I charged under the full moon đźŚ•...

Spiritual use:
• Heal love wounds
• Reconciliation
• Brings peace
• Heal relationships
• Happiness
• Stop gossip
• Good health
Planet: Saturn, and Venus
Element: Water
Zodiac: Libra, Taurus
Gods: Babalu Aye, Eleggua associated with the planet Mercury
Goddess: (Full moon mama goddess) Yemaya, (Love and fertility goddess associated with the planet) Venus Oshun

• Astringent
• Anti-bacterial
• Anti-inflammatory
• Relieves the pain associated with sore muscles.
• Reduces bruises
• Relieved stress
• Mild sedative
A very much known in hoodoo and is commonly used in Hoodoo conjure condition oils... Correlating candles are light pink, blue, and white candles,

Balm of Gilead was also called the “balsam of Mecca.” Myrrh is taken from a similar plant—Commiphora myrrha.

In the movie The Spitfire Grill. Notably, "There Is a Balm in Gilead" is an African-American spiritual that compares the healing balm to the saving power of Jesus—the one true treatment that never fails to heal our spiritual wounds.
The Balm of Gilead was three times in the bible...
Mentioned in Jeremiah 46:11, as God describes an impending judgment on Egypt, He taunts them: "Go up to Gilead and obtain balm, O virgin daughter of Egypt! In vain have you multiplied remedies; there is no healing for you!"

Also, Balm of Gilead was a rare perfume used medicinally, that was mentioned in the Bible, and named for the region of Gilead, where it was produced.

According to I Kings 10:10, balsam (Hebrew: bosem) was among the many precious gifts of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon.

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The ancient biblical Balm of Gilead conjure condition oil very much known in Hoodoo work.
I charged under the full moon đźŚ•...

Spiritual use:
• Heal love wounds
• Reconciliation
• Brings peace
• Heal relationships
• Happiness
• Stop gossip
• Good health
Planet: Saturn, and Venus
Element: Water
Zodiac: Libra, Taurus
Gods: Babalu Aye, Eleggua associated with the planet Mercury
Goddess: (Full moon mama goddess) Yemaya, (Love and fertility goddess associated with the planet) Venus Oshun

• Astringent
• Anti-bacterial
• Anti-inflammatory
• Relieves the pain associated with sore muscles.
• Reduces bruises
• Relieved stress
• Mild sedative
A very much known in hoodoo and is commonly used in Hoodoo conjure condition oils... Correlating candles are light pink, blue, and white candles,

Balm of Gilead was also called the “balsam of Mecca.” Myrrh is taken from a similar plant—Commiphora myrrha.

In the movie The Spitfire Grill. Notably, "There Is a Balm in Gilead" is an African-American spiritual that compares the healing balm to the saving power of Jesus—the one true treatment that never fails to heal our spiritual wounds.
The Balm of Gilead was three times in the bible...
Mentioned in Jeremiah 46:11, as God describes an impending judgment on Egypt, He taunts them: "Go up to Gilead and obtain balm, O virgin daughter of Egypt! In vain have you multiplied remedies; there is no healing for you!"

Also, Balm of Gilead was a rare perfume used medicinally, that was mentioned in the Bible, and named for the region of Gilead, where it was produced.

According to I Kings 10:10, balsam (Hebrew: bosem) was among the many precious gifts of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon.