Jenee Cosmetics and Holistics

Goofer dust

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Goofer dust

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Understanding Hoodoo Goofer dust
Goofer dust...
In many ways, goofer dust has been demonized in the commercial and marketer world. Many say that goofer dust is used to hex and kill a person. This is because of the misunderstanding of the meaning of goofer dust.
Yes, it is true goofer comes from the Kikongo word Kuwfa meaning death or the Swahili word Kufa or kūkwa which means death. Hence why Kalfu of Voodoo is considered the "dark" side of Legba. Energy is light and dark but all are necessary.
Goofer dust is considered a war powder. It is ultimately used to protect against an aggressor, to keep them away.
Ingredients include rattlesnakes skin, pepper(fire 🔥/hot) sulfur, and graveyard dirt. Sulfur/ Brimstone is used to drive away negativity and used to uncross jinx as well as, protection."Lightning was understood as divine punishment by many ancient religions; the association of sulfur with God's retribution is common in the Bible. The English phrase "fire and brimstone" originates in the King James Bible.
The graveyard is associated with the gates between life and death, rebirth, transformation, and travel. Hence why Kalfu is associated with the energy of Legba the gatekeeper. So you see goofer dust is only contextually considered bad to the attacker, but just like anything, it can be used for ill intent.

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Understanding Hoodoo Goofer dust
Goofer dust...
In many ways, goofer dust has been demonized in the commercial and marketer world. Many say that goofer dust is used to hex and kill a person. This is because of the misunderstanding of the meaning of goofer dust.
Yes, it is true goofer comes from the Kikongo word Kuwfa meaning death or the Swahili word Kufa or kūkwa which means death. Hence why Kalfu of Voodoo is considered the "dark" side of Legba. Energy is light and dark but all are necessary.
Goofer dust is considered a war powder. It is ultimately used to protect against an aggressor, to keep them away.
Ingredients include rattlesnakes skin, pepper(fire 🔥/hot) sulfur, and graveyard dirt. Sulfur/ Brimstone is used to drive away negativity and used to uncross jinx as well as, protection."Lightning was understood as divine punishment by many ancient religions; the association of sulfur with God's retribution is common in the Bible. The English phrase "fire and brimstone" originates in the King James Bible.
The graveyard is associated with the gates between life and death, rebirth, transformation, and travel. Hence why Kalfu is associated with the energy of Legba the gatekeeper. So you see goofer dust is only contextually considered bad to the attacker, but just like anything, it can be used for ill intent.