Jenee Cosmetics and Holistics

Nephrite Jade massage roller

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Nephrite Jade massage roller

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 This roller is specifically made out of Nephrite Jade which is often used in dream work, to help with lucid dreaming, and with remembering dreams. Also, since it's in the jade family, it contributes to these areas.

Physical healing attributes:
Increases blood circulation, elasticity, and even skin tone. Reduces puffiness and wrinkles, tightens, soothe, and minimizes pore size. Revealing your skin's natural radiance.

Jade is the stone of rituals, prayer, meditation.
Also used for prosperity and good luck.

Zodiac: Libra, Taurus, Capricorn.
Chakra: Heart
Element: Earth
Chemical formula: NaAlSi₂O₆
Class: Gemstone

Area of influence: Purity, gentleness, love
Jade promotes wealth and longevity.
It's the healing stone of the heart and immune system. Jade brings harmony in the mind-body and spirit.
Love for oneself and others.

This tool pairs well with Jenee cosmetic's body, skin, and hair butter.

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 This roller is specifically made out of Nephrite Jade which is often used in dream work, to help with lucid dreaming, and with remembering dreams. Also, since it's in the jade family, it contributes to these areas.

Physical healing attributes:
Increases blood circulation, elasticity, and even skin tone. Reduces puffiness and wrinkles, tightens, soothe, and minimizes pore size. Revealing your skin's natural radiance.

Jade is the stone of rituals, prayer, meditation.
Also used for prosperity and good luck.

Zodiac: Libra, Taurus, Capricorn.
Chakra: Heart
Element: Earth
Chemical formula: NaAlSi₂O₆
Class: Gemstone

Area of influence: Purity, gentleness, love
Jade promotes wealth and longevity.
It's the healing stone of the heart and immune system. Jade brings harmony in the mind-body and spirit.
Love for oneself and others.

This tool pairs well with Jenee cosmetic's body, skin, and hair butter.