Jenee Cosmetics and Holistics

Rough Shungite


Rough Shungite



• EMF protection and grounding as they are strong grounding stones.
• Sheilds from Electromatic radiation.
• Helps shields against electromagnetic pollution.
• Helps heal people who are sensitive to electronic devices.
• Helps neutralize organisms in the body
• When infused in water it is known to cleanse problem areas of the body because of the high concentration of carbon.
Areas of influence: Meditation, harmony, grounding, balance, protection against negative energies.
Chakra: Root
Element: Earth and Fire

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• EMF protection and grounding as they are strong grounding stones.
• Sheilds from Electromatic radiation.
• Helps shields against electromagnetic pollution.
• Helps heal people who are sensitive to electronic devices.
• Helps neutralize organisms in the body
• When infused in water it is known to cleanse problem areas of the body because of the high concentration of carbon.
Areas of influence: Meditation, harmony, grounding, balance, protection against negative energies.
Chakra: Root
Element: Earth and Fire